Online Training on Internet of Things and Machine Learning
Course Curriculum
Bolt Community workshops on IoT and ML
Available in
after you enroll
IoT and ML Innovation Challenge
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Introduction to the IoT platform
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
PreviewWhy use a platform? (2:36)
StartWhat is Bolt? (2:53)
StartElectronic Terminologies Part 1 (2:30)
StartElectronic Terminologies Part 2 (3:37)
StartTechnical specifications of WiFi enabled microcontroller module part 1 (3:23)
StartTechnical specifications of WiFi enabled microcontroller module part 2 (3:20)
StartHow to power on your microcontroller module (1:50)
StartIndicator LEDs (3:33)
StartQuiz 2
Getting Started with the IoT Cloud
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
StartCreating an account on the IoT cloud service
StartUnderstanding the IoT cloud architecture
PreviewFeatures of Bolt cloud (2:48)
StartImportant points before you get started
StartHow does the microcontroller and cloud linking work? (4:13)
StartLinking the microcontroller module to the cloud (1:33)
StartTroubleshooting the setup process
StartQuiz 3
StartA hack to get better job and internship opportunities in IoT and ML (17:19)
Project 1: Building Your First IoT Sensor Project
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
StartIntroduction to Light Intensity Monitoring System (1:51)
PreviewIntroduction to LDR (2:37)
StartHardware Connections
StartCreating product on Cloud (7:01)
StartLinking product to device (2:41)
StartTroubleshooting your First IoT Sensor Project
StartShare your progress on social media
StartQuiz 4
StartDetails about the training certificate and test
HTML Programming Language and Web Development
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
PreviewIntroduction to HTML (1:45)
StartHTML Tags (2:04)
PreviewHTML Document Structure (2:39)
StartDevelopment Environment for Writing HTML Code (4:00)
StartSetting up Android phone for writing HTML code (4:25)
StartBuilding your first Webpage (13:26)
StartParagraph tag in HTML (5:39)
StartHeadings in HTML (7:34)
StartText color in HTML (12:28)
StartBackground color in HTML (6:54)
StartEmbedding images in HTML (4:19)
StartResizing images in HTML (7:28)
StartHTML Hyperlink (5:06)
StartImage as link in HTML (3:47)
Startspan tag in HTML (4:07)
Startdiv tag in HTML (6:31)
StartDifference between div and span tags (7:57)
StartTable (4:22)
StartQuiz 5
Javascript Programming Language
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
StartIntroduction to JavaScript (7:23)
StartVariables in JavaScript (5:53)
StartOperators in JavaScript (5:03)
StartFunctions in JavaScript (6:16)
StartgetElementById in Javascript (5:01)
StartComparison Operators in JavaScript (4:16)
StartConditional statement in JavaScript (4:02)
StartJavaScript Events (2:48)
StartJavaScript Events (Part 2) (3:50)
StartAjax in JavaScript (5:25)
StartAjax in JavaScript (Code) (6:38)
StartFurther Reading
StartQuiz 6
Data Visualization and Analytics
Available in
after you enroll
Visualization with Google Library
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
StartIntroduction to Google Charts Library on Bolt Cloud (4:47)
StartVisualizing Sensor Data With Bar Graph (2:02)
PreviewVisualizing with Scatter Graph and Area Graph (2:38)
StartCustomising Charts (3:52)
StartUse of setAnimation() function in Graphs (4:24)
StartGauge Graph
StartQuiz 7
Available in
after you enroll
Home Automation
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
PreviewControlling devices (3:42)
StartCircuit Connections for an LED
StartProject 3: Controlling LED
StartControlling LED using JavaScript
StartProject 4: Industrial Safety Alert (0:42)
StartQuiz 9
StartProject 5: Assignment - Advanced Graphs and Changing the sound of Buzzer
StartShare your progress on social media
StartRoadmap and Suggestions for the Bolt IoT Platform
VPS (Virtual Private Server)
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
PreviewFurther understanding Cloud and Cloud Computing (2:18)
StartBefore we create a Digital Ocean account (3:09)
StartDigital Ocean Droplet
StartTroubleshooting issues with Digital Ocean
StartAlternatives to Digital Ocean Droplet - Option 1 (10:56)
StartAlternatives to Digital Ocean Droplet - Option 2 (14:52)
StartHow to SSH into a linux based cloud server (4:31)
StartAccessing the Digital Ocean Droplet
Introduction to Linux OS
Available in
after you enroll
Python Programming Language
Available in
after you enroll
Bolt Python Library
Available in
after you enroll
Interfacing Sensor Over VPS
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
PreviewTemperature Monitoring System (3:09)
StartIntroduction to LM35 (2:24)
StartHardware Connections For Temperature Monitor
StartIntroduction to Twilio
StartCreating an account on Twilio
PreviewProject 9: Sending an SMS when Temperature Crosses Threshold
StartIntroduction to Mailgun
StartProject 10: Sending an Email when Temperature Crosses Threshold
StartQuiz 13
Project 11: Social Media of Things
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
StartIntroduction to Telegram
StartSetup Telegram
StartCreate a Telegram channel
StartCreate a Telegram bot
StartSend Telegram message when temperature crosses threshold
StartCode explanation - Part 1
PreviewCode explanation - Part 2
StartCode explanation - Part 3
StartComplete code
StartQuiz 14
StartProject 12: Assignment - Price Alerting System
Machine Learning
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Anomaly Detection
Available in
after you enroll
StartBefore we move forward (3:10)
StartWhat is Anomaly? (3:24)
PreviewWhat is Z-Score Analysis (3:57)
StartProject 14: Room Light Monitoring Project Using Z-Score Analysis
StartUnderstanding the Room Light Montoring Project
StartQuiz 17
StartProject 15: Assignment Integromat
StartShare your learnings with other students of Bolt IoT
StartProject 16: Capstone Project
StartRoadmap and Suggestions for the Bolt IoT Platform
StartThe Way Forward (4:34)
Certification Test
Available in
after you enroll
Your Instructor
Mr.Pranav Pai Vernekar is the co-founder of Bolt IoT and has an experience of 8 years in IoT and Machine Learning. Pranav has been working as a product designer at Bolt IoT and has worked on various patented technologies and products like Smart Container, BTHM (An industrial temperature and humidity monitor)
Mr. Pranav Pai Vernekar has an extensive teaching experience and till date he has been invited to conduct trainings at various institutes such as IIT Kanpur, IIT Rorkee, BITS Pilani etc as well as for his corporate clients such as CISCO, Intel, Applied Material, TCS, Siemens etc. Pranav has also conducted workshops at conferences such as NullCon, VLSI Society of India Symposium, Automation and Robotics Expo and has trained more then 10,000 working professionals and students on the topic of Internet of Things and Machine Learning till date.
Internationally, Pranav has connected classroom trainings in USA, India, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand and his online trainings have been attended by studnets from 62 different countries across the globe.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You will continue to have access to the training content even after you finish the course so that you could refer to it in future.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund.
What is the kit content?
The Kit is worth INR 2,750/- and includes:
1. WiFi enabled Bolt microcontroller module
2. Bolt Cloud
3. Bolt Smartphone App
4. USB Cable
5. Temperature Sensor
6. Light Sensor
7. Push Button Switch
8. LED X 2
9. Buzzer
10. Resistor X 2
11. Assorted Connecting Wires
12. Breadboard
The kit comes with a 1-year replacement warranty on all the items included.
1. WiFi enabled Bolt microcontroller module
2. Bolt Cloud
3. Bolt Smartphone App
4. USB Cable
5. Temperature Sensor
6. Light Sensor
7. Push Button Switch
8. LED X 2
9. Buzzer
10. Resistor X 2
11. Assorted Connecting Wires
12. Breadboard
The kit comes with a 1-year replacement warranty on all the items included.
What if I have my exams now? How will I attend the training?
Don't worry, you have full freedom on when you choose to attend the training. You may start the training after your exams or right away based on what your preference. You can even take a break for few days during the training and continue it after the break. You have life time access to the training and support.
Is certificate included?
Yes. All the students are awarded a certificate upon completion of the training.
How do you solve my doubts and queries?
We offer support over an online forum as well as over E-Mail. In case required, we also answer queries over phone or video call.
Who can join? I am a beginner/advanced user, is this IoT training program for me?
Anyone with an interest in the Internet of things and machine learning can join. College students (every stream and year) & Working Professionals are encouraged to join this program. Please note that this is a beginner level training. Using this training, you will be able to build real-life complex IoT projects and products on your own.
Are there any prerequisites for joining this program?
This program is for beginners. There are no prerequisites. You should only have the willingness to learn programming and electronics hardware concepts.