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Online Training on Internet of Things and Machine Learning
Bolt Community workshops on IoT and ML
Bolt Community workshops on IoT and ML
IoT and ML Innovation Challenge
How to submit project? (Deprecated)
Important Instructions
Introduction to Internet of Things (5:37)
History of Internet of Things (5:33)
IoT in the Big Bang Theory TV series
How to hold the hardware module
Contents of your training kit
How to get your doubts resolved
Quiz 1
Introduction to the IoT platform
Before we move forward (3:10)
Why use a platform? (2:36)
What is Bolt? (2:53)
Electronic Terminologies Part 1 (2:30)
Electronic Terminologies Part 2 (3:37)
Technical specifications of WiFi enabled microcontroller module part 1 (3:23)
Technical specifications of WiFi enabled microcontroller module part 2 (3:20)
How to power on your microcontroller module (1:50)
Indicator LEDs (3:33)
Quiz 2
Getting Started with the IoT Cloud
Before we move forward (3:10)
Creating an account on the IoT cloud service
Understanding the IoT cloud architecture
Features of Bolt cloud (2:48)
Important points before you get started
How does the microcontroller and cloud linking work? (4:13)
Linking the microcontroller module to the cloud (1:33)
Troubleshooting the setup process
Quiz 3
A hack to get better job and internship opportunities in IoT and ML (17:19)
Project 1: Building Your First IoT Sensor Project
Before we move forward (3:10)
Introduction to Light Intensity Monitoring System (1:51)
Introduction to LDR (2:37)
Hardware Connections
Creating product on Cloud (7:01)
Linking product to device (2:41)
Troubleshooting your First IoT Sensor Project
Share your progress on social media
Quiz 4
Details about the training certificate and test
HTML Programming Language and Web Development
Before we move forward (3:10)
Introduction to HTML (1:45)
HTML Tags (2:04)
HTML Document Structure (2:39)
Development Environment for Writing HTML Code (4:00)
Setting up Android phone for writing HTML code (4:25)
Building your first Webpage (13:26)
Paragraph tag in HTML (5:39)
Headings in HTML (7:34)
Text color in HTML (12:28)
Background color in HTML (6:54)
Embedding images in HTML (4:19)
Resizing images in HTML (7:28)
HTML Hyperlink (5:06)
Image as link in HTML (3:47)
span tag in HTML (4:07)
div tag in HTML (6:31)
Difference between div and span tags (7:57)
Table (4:22)
Quiz 5
Javascript Programming Language
Before we move forward (3:10)
Introduction to JavaScript (7:23)
Variables in JavaScript (5:53)
Operators in JavaScript (5:03)
Functions in JavaScript (6:16)
getElementById in Javascript (5:01)
Comparison Operators in JavaScript (4:16)
Conditional statement in JavaScript (4:02)
JavaScript Events (2:48)
JavaScript Events (Part 2) (3:50)
Ajax in JavaScript (5:25)
Ajax in JavaScript (Code) (6:38)
Further Reading
Quiz 6
Data Visualization and Analytics
Introduction to Data Visualization (3:36)
Types of Graphs (3:25)
Visualization with Google Library
Before we move forward (3:10)
Introduction to Google Charts Library on Bolt Cloud (4:47)
Visualizing Sensor Data With Bar Graph (2:02)
Visualizing with Scatter Graph and Area Graph (2:38)
Customising Charts (3:52)
Use of setAnimation() function in Graphs (4:24)
Gauge Graph
Quiz 7
APIs on Bolt (4:24)
API Key (2:44)
Home Automation
Before we move forward (3:10)
Controlling devices (3:42)
Circuit Connections for an LED
Project 3: Controlling LED
Controlling LED using JavaScript
Project 4: Industrial Safety Alert (0:42)
Quiz 9
Project 5: Assignment - Advanced Graphs and Changing the sound of Buzzer
Share your progress on social media
Roadmap and Suggestions for the Bolt IoT Platform
VPS (Virtual Private Server)
Before we move forward (3:10)
Further understanding Cloud and Cloud Computing (2:18)
Before we create a Digital Ocean account (3:09)
Digital Ocean Droplet
Troubleshooting issues with Digital Ocean
Alternatives to Digital Ocean Droplet - Option 1 (10:56)
Alternatives to Digital Ocean Droplet - Option 2 (14:52)
How to SSH into a linux based cloud server (4:31)
Accessing the Digital Ocean Droplet
Introduction to Linux OS
Before we move forward (3:10)
Structure of an Operating System (4:03)
Interesting Facts about Linux (2:39)
Basic Linux Commands (12:57)
What is Sudo? (1:23)
Easter eggs in Linux(Ubuntu)
Quiz 10
Python Programming Language
Before we move forward (3:10)
Introduction to Python (3:20)
Hello World Program
Indentation of Code
Debugging Commons Problems
Conditional Statement in Python
While Loop
For Loop
Random Function
Quiz 11
Bolt Python Library
Before we move forward (3:10)
Setup the Bolt Python Library
Project 6: Checking Device Status and Restarting the Device
Project 7: Controlling LED using Bolt Python Library
Project 8: LED Intensity (Brightness) Control
Quiz 12
Interfacing Sensor Over VPS
Before we move forward (3:10)
Temperature Monitoring System (3:09)
Introduction to LM35 (2:24)
Hardware Connections For Temperature Monitor
Introduction to Twilio
Creating an account on Twilio
Project 9: Sending an SMS when Temperature Crosses Threshold
Introduction to Mailgun
Project 10: Sending an Email when Temperature Crosses Threshold
Quiz 13
Project 11: Social Media of Things
Before we move forward (3:10)
Introduction to Telegram
Setup Telegram
Create a Telegram channel
Create a Telegram bot
Send Telegram message when temperature crosses threshold
Code explanation - Part 1
Code explanation - Part 2
Code explanation - Part 3
Complete code
Quiz 14
Project 12: Assignment - Price Alerting System
Machine Learning
Before we move forward (3:10)
What is Machine Learning? (1:14)
Examples of Machine Learning (3:49)
Quiz 15
Before we move forward (3:10)
What is Prediction? (4:30)
What is Polynomial Regression? (1:29)
Project 13: Predicting Temperature using Polynomial Regression
Understanding the Temperature Prediction project
Share your progress on social media
Quiz 16
Anomaly Detection
Before we move forward (3:10)
What is Anomaly? (3:24)
What is Z-Score Analysis (3:57)
Project 14: Room Light Monitoring Project Using Z-Score Analysis
Understanding the Room Light Montoring Project
Quiz 17
Project 15: Assignment Integromat
Share your learnings with other students of Bolt IoT
Project 16: Capstone Project
Roadmap and Suggestions for the Bolt IoT Platform
The Way Forward (4:34)
Certification Test
Important points about the certification test
Instructions for the project and forum questions
Instructions for the exam
How to take the exam?
Instructions for Assured Internship
Quiz 10
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